TV Noise will take a singular form moving forward. In an Instagram post shared to the now-former duo’s Instagram earlier in the month, they broke the saddening news that Jelmer ten Hoeve—who was also a founding member of Drove—would be departing after more than a decade together, citing his desire to “focus on different things in life.” But Jasper Gelderblom confirmed that even with the split, TV Noise wouldn’t be coming to an end. And for TV Noise’s debut solo appearance, Gelderblom returned to STMPD RCRDS to deliver his highly anticipated ID, “Turn It Up.”“Turn It Up” popped up across Martin Garrix‘s recent sets towards the very end of the summer, even being featured in a video that Garrix shared from Ultra Japan when Zedd stepped in to run his lights. And “Turn It Up” proves that while TV Noise found an abundance of success as a dual-wielded production force, the project won’t falter in the slightest moving forward. Self-described as a “fusion between the original TV Noise sound and the techy sound from nowadays, “Turn It Up” progresses his distinctive, animated sound with a balanced breakdown of both bass- and tech-house that formally welcomes a new era. Featured image: TV NoiseTags: stmpd rcrds, TV Noise
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