Kaskade and deadmau5 froze the dance music world when they disclosed the existence of Kx5 earlier this year. And with a date at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum planned for December 10, the two dance icons are continuing the rollout of their currently untitled album with its third single, “Alive.” Unlike their previous single—”Take Me High“—”Alive” wasn’t included in their debut performance at EDC Las Vegas, sending everyone into release day blind as to the direction the collaborative project was heading next. Switching things up for a midweek release instead of a typical New Music Friday delivery, Kx5 has recruited Los Angeles alternative band The Moth & The Flame for arguably the alias’ darkest and most mysterious tune thus far.Co-released through both mau5trap and ARKADE, “Alive” shares a similar synth approach to the futuristic style while still maintaining both Kaskade and deadmau5’s old-school, signature progressive sound with a dose of melodic techno. And “Alive” signals the third time that Kaskade has worked with The Moth & The Flame, following “Haunt Me” and “Ice V3,” Arriving as nothing less than a dashing, emotive single, “Alive” continues to flex Kx5’s willingness to go beyond their wheelhouse and experiment with unfamiliar production territory. Stream their latest album release below.Featured image: Leah SemsTags: arkade, deadmau5, kaskade, Kx5, mau5trap, The Moth & The Flame
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