Flume celebrates a decade of self-titled debut album with unreleased demo from 2014

Anyone that had been following along with Flume‘s TikTok would have come across some enticing news in the last week. Flume not only was under the impression that he lost the laptop he created his iconic self-titled debut album on, but also that it was beyond repair. That was until he fortuitously located it again just days before Flume celebrated its milestone 10-year anniversary and was somehow able to put it back into use. And during a TikTok live session, he revealed that a never-before-heard demo titled “Slugger” was one of the long-lost productions on said laptop and it would be receiving an official release in the coming days.In fitting celebratory fashion of the album’s 10th trip around the sun, Flume has officially released that forenamed track, even leaving its exact file name of “Slugger 1.4 [2014 Export.WAV)” to remain as close to its original state as closely as he could. To say its classic Flume would be grossly understating just how much “Slugger” embodies the future bass mastery that propelled him into dance music superstardom, with its date rationalizing many listeners’ callout that it’s the ultimate sonic bridge between his work on Flume and Skin. And “Slugger” won’t be the sole addition to streaming platforms from Flume’s past eras, with him also revealing that his legendary “Tennis Court” remix for Lorde will finally be available at some point in the near future. Featured image: David WolffTags:
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