Ella Mai joins Brown Bag Mornings on Power106 with Letty, Rosecrans Vic and DoKnow. Ella Mai is an English singer and songwriter who started her musical career in 2014 at the British and Irish Contemporary Music Institute in London, where she also appeared in a trio audition for the eleventh season of The X Factor.
Ella discusses the writing process and working with the legendary Mustard. She says that working with Mustard is helpful since they are both honest with one another and strive to make their work better. “I think it works well because I’m very much the same way, like if he plays me something and I don’t like it we’re open to being like naw we don’t like this, and if I play him something and he doesn’t like it he’s open to being like I don’t like this”. To create the finest album possible, they both make sure to approach each other’s albums as if they were their own.
Ella expresses to us what we can expect on the deluxe edition of her album ‘Heart On My Sleeve” which includes three new songs including ‘2 O’Clock’ , ‘This Is’, and ‘Our Song’. “I wanted to give my album…another breath of fresh air”. She also mentions how her album contains both love songs and songs about heartbreak. “I think that relationships are our biggest inspiration”.
Ella goes on to discuss a variety of topics, including her love of drill music, her accent, English rap, and much more. Keep an eye out for Ella Mai’s concert at The Novo on May 6th and 7th and be sure to listen to her album “Heart On My Sleeve Deluxe”!