Westend, Local Singles unlock coveted edit of Flume’s ‘You & Me’ remix

Soon after ACRAZE exposed the ID on Tomorrowland‘s main stage and John Summit played it out during his hometown set at Lollapalooza, Westend and Local Singles finally decided to release their infectious new joint work that’s been making the live rounds. A remix of a remix is usually a tough sell, but when a remix as iconic as Flume‘s take on Disclosure’s “You & Me” takes on a life of its own, it eventually makes way for a whole new wave of inspired reworks. Enter Westend and Local Singles’ new edit, which has landed exclusively on SoundCloud. Already overflowing with hype, the new tech-house makeover assuredly pins Westend and Local Singles to Dancing Astronaut’s map of burgeoning DJ’s to watch. The recent collaboration is a bona fide set gem, sure to ramp up the voltage at any venue. Stream, and download free of charge, Westend and Local Single’s scene-shaking new revision of Flume’s classic Disclosure remix below. Featured image: Westend / TwitterTags: , , , , , , ,
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