Hard Street continues to take shape with “Come Again,” a beat- and bass riff-led cut that sees the Aussie transplant align with Shahay and British MC Scrufizzer. Issued via Wax Motif‘s own Divided Souls imprint, the bass-house outing assembles buoyant high-hats, percussion, and synths in a club-facing fashion. “Come Again” nestles quite neatly into Wax Motif’s burgeoning collection of pre-LP singles, a bunch led by December 2020’s “All Black Everything” with Corrupt (UK) and Scrufizzer. On past releases such as “Skank N Flex” and “A1 Dip,” a little Wax and Scrufizzer action has proven a recipe for success, and as “Come Again” showcases, it’s a formula that can’t fail.Featured image: @tybarch/InstagramTags: bass house, Hard Street, MC Scruffizer, Shahay, Wax Motif
Categories: Music
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