Third Party talk methodology behind their live sets amid Tomorrowland debut [Q&A]

On July 23, British progressive house production pair Third Party took to Tomorrowland’s main stage, making their debut during the festival’s second weekend of production. In an interview with Dancing Astronaut, the duo described its set as “a balance of new and old,” complete with “five brand new IDs” (view one here and one here).Though attendees on the ground in Boom, Belgium and livestream viewers alike were treated to a Third Party DJ set, Jonnie Macaire and Harry Bass took Dancing Astronaut inside their methodology for their live sets, centered around live vocalization of their songs’ lyrics. Get an exclusive peek into their process below.Could you define the difference between your live shows and your DJ sets, for those who are unaware?How does the live format guide your approach to putting together setlists?How would you describe your style of music to those unfamiliar with your sound?Featured image: Sam NeillTags: , , , , , , , , ,
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