The Toxic Avenger returns with his most versatile and ambitious project since he made his debut 15 years ago. “Yes Future” is a masterpiece and a masterclass in electronic music production. The veteran producer spends the album dabbling in all of the best elements from myriad genres. The styles effortlessly hop from synthetic and organic electro to nu-disco/French-touch with ease, paying homage to the entire genre and his own sprawling back catalog at the same time. And that’s the thing – no matter how far he strays from his comfort zone, his thumbprint is present on every cut regardless of the genre.The blazing and appropriately titled “Getting Started” was released last month, a worthy set up to the highly-anticipated full-length. “Edge of Time” is the next single leading the charge, a moody, hypnotizing track featuring Andrew Huang. “Sports et Divertessements” is a fun little throwback instrumental track that shows off his unique production style and deep understanding of a wide range of musical styles. “Te Souviens – Tu Du Future” featuring legendary French singer Alain Chamfort might be the gem of the album, with Chamfort’s classic voice running over The Toxic Avenger’s rich soundscape like syrup on pancakes. A smash-hit in the making and an album worth listening to start to finish for any fan with an appetite textural production.Tags: The Toxic Avenger
Categories: Music
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