SLANDER are setting loose another sought-after ID, long on listeners’ wish lists. Following the revelation of “Fall Into Me” with NGHTMRE and Dylan Matthew in March, which premiered during SLANDER’s Virtual Vibes livestream (October 2020) and later scored a spot on our list of the most-anticipated IDs of 2022, comes “Walk On Water.” The duet involving RØRY and Dancing Astronaut‘s inaugural Supernova has been a staple of Derek Andersen and Scott Land’s DJ sets since it debuted at LA’s Shrine Expo Hall in January 2020. The past nearly two years have witnessed “Walk On Water’s” adoption of a somewhat mythical quality and the coinciding emergence of a refrain among SLANDER’s fixated fan base: “Walk On Water, please!” This crowd (temporarily) quiets as “Walk On Water” sheds its chimerical status, making the vault to streaming platforms as the first single from SLANDER’s forthcoming debut album.Conceptualized as an extension of 2019’s viral success, “Love Is Gone,” “Walk On Water” can be streamed below via Heaven Sent.Featured image: Brian RapaportTags: dylan matthew, RØRY, Slander
Categories: Music
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