For anyone that’s followed along time Ryos‘ YouTube channel over the years, his newest delivery on Revealed Recordings is something that should sound more than familiar. Adding to an already memorable calendar that’s included his two-for-one single with Maggie Szabo “Midsummer Nights,” “Fool’s Gold,” and a headlining seat on the label’s 10th anniversary remix EP, Ryos has now converted his longtime YouTube intro into an actual single, “Monster.”Experiencing “Monster” without a mental image of Ryos’ YouTube videos popping up in the mind will—of course—be impossible, but the New York talent does justice to one of his most cherished WIPs that deserved to eventually become something larger. Breaking out his golden touch of progressive house that he’s firmly carried throughout the previous seven-plus years, Ryos hits a dead-on bullseye by attaching the name “Monster” to a track with so much history behind it. Featured image: Ryos/InstagramTags: revealed recordings, ryos
Categories: Music
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