Riddim samples, percussion, and booming bass, oh my!—stream Calcium’s ‘Deep Streets EP’

With more than just a dash of percussion and bass, not to mention blaring riddim samples, Calcium‘s Deep Streets EP might be felt before it’s heard. Intermingle these elements for a triple threat that pops off with a fury akin to that of Mentos dropped into a liter of Coca-Cola. So goes the Deep Streets EP listening experience, which can be distilled down to four window-rattling numbers, half of which (“Deep Streets” and “Adaptation”) surfaced early on digital streaming platforms. The remaining 50% add further kick to an already stomping body of work, released via Never Say Die Records.Calling the Deep Streets EP an embodiment of “rare Calcium material,” the producer, who’s released multiple EPs under the Never Say Die header, said he “took some older classics out of the vault and finished them to complete [the EP’s] overall concept!”“Another point of this EP was to go as far as I possibly could with sound design,” he mused—and it shows. From the riddim cues of “Gettin’ Busy” to the live drum work and old-school DJ scratching audible on “Sticks N’ Stones,” no cut on Calcium’s Deep Streets EP is a carbon copy, yet all line up in synergistic single file on the project’s tracklist.Featured image: Austin MonteTags: , , ,
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