Pretty Lights comes out from hiding for Black Lives Matter movement, donates $10,000 to bail funds

Derek Smith posted for the first time in two years because it’s clearly time for people of influence to start participating in the current Black Lives Matter dialogue. Pointing to the problem of racism across the globe manifesting in inequality, fear, and privilege; the esteemed producer calls for love, compassion, and action to uproot our flawed system.

In his second post, the artist known as Pretty Lights mentions he donated $10,000 to the Act Blue Bail Funds for Protestors. He also calls attention to “how he makes money in the music industry and how that money will be used moving forward.” Citing “It is going to be uncomfortable for a lot of people… but that discomfort is part of the fear we must step into and navigate through together.”

Click here to donate to the Act Blue Bail Funds for Protestors charity, a split donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers.

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