ODESZA are back.After nearly a half-decade since A Moment Apart hit streaming airwaves, ODESZA have finally begun to usher in a new era through “The Last Goodbye” with Betty LaVette. Since the release of their critically acclaimed LP and its coinciding live experience, we’ve only heard from the duo in the form of their junior album’s deluxe edition as well as BRONSON—their new moniker’s self-titled album with Golden Features—in 2020.It didn’t take long following the arrival of BRONSON for the Seattle-based duo to reveal they’d already returned to the studio. In an unassuming post on their socials, the Foreign Family bosses confirmed they were working on new music with the simple caption of “studio break.” But that was in December of 2020. Fast forward more than a year later and we finally have their first original release since the trap-influenced, fan-favorite original “Loyal” came out in September 2018.“The Last Goodbye” is six minutes of groovy bass lines and cinematic synths that perfectly blends styles both old and new. The track had initially stalled years ago because ODESZA had felt it was “lacking emotionally.” However, when the duo happened upon Bettye LaVette’s 1965 classic “Let Me Down Easy,” they sought to revive it by deconstructing and rebuilding her vocals with a modern flare that would complement the Blues Hall of Famer’s rich sound.Premiered on Apple Music’s The Zane Lowe Show, the single didn’t come with any explicit confirmation surrounding what is believed to be their highly anticipated fourth album, but it did come as a sigh of relief to fans that “The Last Goodbye” was simply their new single’s name as opposed to a greater meaning behind the potential title of their upcoming LP. ODESZA fans rejoice, and listen to the full six-minute track in all its glory below.Featured image: Alive CoverageTags: foregin family, ODESZA
Categories: Music
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