In March, Dancing Astronaut Breakout Artist of 2021 took to Twitter to announce Off The Grid Records, an industry-shaking new project that solidifies his status as a bonafide tastemaker in dance music culture. Although the virgin imprint’s emphatic launch drew a mountainous buzz both online and offline, little to no information exists regarding the label’s conceptual framework. Summit recently spoke with Dancing Astronaut about the origins of his disruptive new brand, revealing that he’ll be spinning a select three Off The Grid-signed records during his upcoming sets at Coachella. Read the exclusive Q&A below.What inspired Off The Grid’s title and mountainous aesthetic?How long have you been thinking about starting your own event brand/record label?How would you describe the label’s intentional sound? Booking logistics aside, who would be a few must-have artists on a hypothetical Off The Grid festival lineup?Can you give us any insight on Off The Grid’s first public release?Why is now the ‘best era electronic music has ever seen’?Featured image: Tritt VisualsTags: coachella, Green Velvet, human, john summit, La Danza, Make Me Feel, off the grid, Off The Grid Records, sofi tukker
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