The last two times we received a new Rebels Never Die delivery were directly ahead of a brand new Hardwell set. That’s not changing as Tomorrowland’s schedule now turns to its third and final weekend, with Hardwell tasked with mainstage closing responsibilities on its first of three days. After shaking up the album rollout schedule with a Rebels Never Die surprise drop of “ZERO GRAVITY” just hours before his return to Tomorrowland after four years, the Revealed Recordings boss is back to check in his 11th Ultra ID.It completely depends on who you ask but to plenty, “LASER” takes the crown as the single most-anticipated track from Hardwell’s comeback set at Bayfront Park. And to keep the laser-related thematics going in dance music this year—following none other than Ray Volpe‘s “Laserbeam“—Hardwell is widening the walls of his newly ideated bigroom-techno arena for an eleventh successive time. Paired with another thought-provoking sample and a duo of drops that’ll unlock the laser floodgates when properly executed on stage—something he said was an unexpected misfire on the production end at Ultra—”LASER” maintains the sheer perfection of the Rebels Never Die tracklist yet again.Featured image: Tomorrowland/FacebookTags: Hardwell, Rebels Never Die, revealed recordings
Categories: Music
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