Had “Miracle Maker” received its live introduction just a couple of months before our most-anticipated IDs of the year list was uncovered, there’s no question it would’ve found a spot on it. Dom Dolla has come a long way since earning Dancing Astronaut‘s 2019 Breakout Artist of the Year title and after having “Pump The Brakes” be the last ID of his that we’d been endlessly tracking, it was time he tossed another into the mix. Ever since Dom Dolla said he was “feeling good about this one” in a video shared to his Twitter back in February, “Miracle Maker” had been on just about everyone’s ID wishlist.And there was good reason for Dom Dolla to have high hopes for what would eventually become his next release, which he confirmed would land this summer during a Coachella interview with Dancing Astronaut. Featuring a soulful performance from Clementine Douglas and serving as his outrightly electric set opener these past few months, “Miracle Maker” does exactly what Dom Dolla intended, doubling as both a homage to the ’90s rave sound and showcase of the house charm he’s set himself apart with. Dom Dolla expanded on the concept behind his single that we’ll meet again when it’s time to name our tracks of the year, explaining,Featured image: Airwolf ParadiseTags: dom dolla
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