Unremittingly house-minded, BOMBAYS continues his 2021 tear with “HYPNOTIQUE,” released via Uprise Music. The sultry stint, led by a vocal sample that sensually instructs streamers to “move with me,” deals in hip-shaking beat work suited for a dusky club setting. It’s an entrancing extension of the filmy appeal of BOMBAYS’ recent additions to his catalog such as June’s ZHU-evoking “BASTILLE.”“HYPNOTIQUE” materializes as BOMBAYS’ fifth original of the calendar year, with the rising underground tastemaker having opened his 2021 season of work with “ALLURE” in mid-March. In the five months that have followed, BOMBAYS has steadily and steamily reasserted his name as one well worth considering in artists to watch in 2022 roundups, and “HYPNOTIQUE” is a compelling case for inclusion.Featured image: @chey.shoots/InstagramTags: bombays, house, underground
Categories: Music
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