Odd One Out had yet to ever put forth an album in its two-plus-year history, but Yotto rerouted his label’s course this past fall when he commissioned brother duo Anden to be the name that would stand behind its first full-length output. Youth Is Wasted On The Young was preceded by not one, not two, but three previews in its two-month swell, with Anden now lighting the release torch on their first-ever artist album. The project’s headline is a thought-provoking message in itself, with Anden building upon a “simple vision” where they dreamt up “capturing the moment of holding together two conflicting thoughts or emotions and allowing them to coexist.” “Chemical” with SOHMI, “Grouplove” with the label boss, and the LP’s title number are joined by a count of five equally as tantalizing productions—all paired with a respective extended mix—as Anden narrate their melodic voyage of tapping into the feeling of when “an emotional dance record makes you want to both dance and cry.” Youth Is Wasted On The Young does just that on all eight of its offerings, gracefully toeing a line between lighter and darker tints of the duo’s own flavor of melodic house and resulting in an admirable, cohesive body of work that wears the title of Odd One Out’s debut album.Featured image: Anden/InstagramTags: anden, Odd One Out
Categories: Music
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