There’s no better way for welcoming autumn, than with a warm and beautiful dance track, that will warm up your hearts and souls. And yes, ladies and gentlemen, Soomeen with Oscar Merner on the vocals are doing that with style!
Featuring retro piano lines from the dance music of the 2000’s and a powerful modern electro pop drop, this tune creates an unique combination of old and new and delivers big on any DJ set. The transitions are well-executed and the shift between the retro-vibed breakdown and the energetic drop is flawless. Soomeen managed to create a perfect balance between old school and modern vibes, showcasing his huge talent in the process.

Oscar Merner ’s amazing vocals are adding even more magic to an already brilliant musical story, which will make you play this sublime release again and again. Overall, this top notch production has a vocal that complements the track perfectly making ‘Takes me up’ ready to blast through clubs, radios and festivals all over the world this fall !
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