Saturday night, San Holo reached 100 percent in his stay vibrant movement after his stellar Secret Sky virtual set. The set was a precipice for the bitbird head honcho not only because of his participation in Porter Robinson‘s most talked-about dance music live stream of 2020, but also because it was a bittersweet ending to his two-month release spree, finishing off with the final single from his stay vibrant project, “staring at the sea without you next to me” featuring ILIVEHERE.
In an instagram post, San Holo mentioned “i wanted this track to sound like waves of the sea,” which explains the filtered, static synths growing in velocity at a serene waves pace as fluttering guitar sounds caress the canvas. The waves sound like they’re getting bigger until everything stops nearly four minutes into the track and a serenading of guitar melodies comfort the mind.
San Holo supported Porter Robinson and Madeon on their Shelter tour in 2016 and 2017, so to end one of his 2020 efforts at Robinson’s premier livestream event and at the top of his stay vibrant movement has a coming full-circle feeling.
When asked on his website, “what happens if you reach 100%?” San Holo’s response is the following.
“This is very uncommon! Very RARE! 100% means pure bliss. An example of this could be the birth of your child, a reunion with your favourite specimen or another life event that puts you in such great joy that it’s almost impossible to top in the short term. 100% doesn’t happen often. Very uncommon!”
This is not the last of the stay vibrant playlist, but this is the final project for now. San Holo mentioned in his social media post “i’ll pick it back up whenever i feel the need to. the plan is to keep expanding on this stay vibrant playlist for years…”
Featured image: Rukes