Following the news of launching his own Heartfeldt Records, Sam Feldt now officially presents the label’s debut release, his new single ‘Hold Me Close’, featuring Ella Henderson.
‘Hold Me Close’ marks the start of this much awaited new project. It’s a debut release that underlines Sam Feldt’s undeniable talent to bring a pop record alive with tempting hooks and lively dance rhythms. His background in deep house blends perfectly with the track’s chorus, inviting to singalong to Ella Henderson’s powerful vocals, while proclaiming a universal longing to connect and share emotions.
For sure, it’s Heartfeldt music with a twist of contemporary sounds. ‘Hold Me Close’ is everything Sam Feldt and his label (which shares every 1% of its income with the foundation) are about, meanwhile pointing out this artist has no plans of slowing down anytime soon, and is bound to take things next level again in 2020! You can check out the single below!
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