It’s safe to say that “Laserbeam” will eventually stand as one of the year’s most talked-about releases when it’s all said and done. And Ray Volpe‘s Legend Of The Volpetron single is undergoing its latest rework after Blanke gave it an ÆON edit back in July—as well as Chris Lake‘s still-unreleased house reimagining—at the hands of one of Dancing Astronaut‘s Artists to Watch in 2022, OOTORO.Coming as his first release since his pair of June releases—”I Want U” and Energy/Flashing Lights on Nightbass—OOTORO’s “Laserbeam” take lands as a free download through is SoundCloud. While the original was dubstep, Blanke’s version was drum ‘n’ bass, and Chris Lake’s version was tech-house, OOTORO decided that the Disciples-backed original needed a new genre perspective. Combining both tech-house and techno with a vocal sample from Green Velvet and Havard Bass’s iconic track “Lazer Beams,” OOTORO gives Volp’Featured image: Asahi PhotographTags: ootoro, Ray Volpe
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