There’s nothing better than the communal feeling of sharing music with friends, whether this feeling comes in the form of listening to new music together, belting out the lyrics to an old classic at the bar, or going to shows and music festivals. But there’s never been a great way to share music. Sure, you can send texts to one another with Spotify links or even post your favorite songs to your Instagram story (much to the chagrin of your followers who don’t share the same taste), but there’s never been a singular place designed for the purpose of sharing music—until now.Enter Needle Music, a “platform designed to foster positivity, creativity, and collaboration through music, while at the same time enhancing people’s ability to find music easily.” The idea for the platform—described as a sonic “audiobiography” of sorts—was inspired by three friends with a deep love for music and a shared desire to create a better method to consume it. On the app, users have the capacity to create a “Top 8” songs playlist that sits on their homepage. They can also select a “Song Of The Day” that will go straight onto a timeline that displays your choice as well as your friends’ picks. From there, you can listen, like, and share music all on one central platform. The app seamlessly integrates with Spotify; songs that users “like” on the Needle App simultaneously appear in their Spotify “likes.” Needle Music is available in the App Store and on Google Play. It’s currently only compatible with Spotify, but Apple Music and SoundCloud integrations, among others, are coming soon. In an exclusive interview with Dancing Astronaut, Needle Music founders Mikhael Porter, Shane Ertz, and Wyatt Keith discuss their impetus for developing the app and its facets. Read the Q&A in full below and follow Dancing Astronaut on Needle Music (@DancingAstronaut). What is Needle?Who is your target audience?How do you envision users interacting with the app?How will Needle differentiate itself in function from the discovery feature on music streaming apps like Spotify and Apple Music?What is the best thing about Needle? Tags: apple music, Needle Music, Social Media, spotify
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