KOAN Sound share their first EP of 2020, ‘Silk Wave’ [Stream]

Typically operating somewhere near liquid funk with jazz influences, KOAN Sound have paved their own lane in the modern electronic music sphere. The British duo’s last LP, 2018’s instrumental Polychrome, was perhaps KOAN’s most meticulously crafted work, with great attention put into the tracks and unique visualizers for each song at live performances. The Intervals Above EP came to follow Polychrome in 2019, and in 2020 KOAN return with another EP succeeding “Virtue” in March.

Silk Wave notably marks KOAN Sound’s efforts to venture into recently unfamiliar territory: featured vocalists. The last time KOAN utilized featured artists on a studio release was in 2013. Since then, their sound has evolved immensely, but they sound as comfortable as ever incorporating Javeon and Anna Lisa’s singing into their vast soundscapes. Silk Wave also features two instrumental cuts, the vibrant title track and the bombastic “Cosmic Tuba.”

Featured image: Sarah Koury