Jerro has remained a familiar face on This Never Happened for close to two years, and he’s now adding his name to the Lane 8-directed label’s cultivating record of full-length LPs from this year alone, including Sultan + Shepard, Massane, and most recently EMBRZ. Jerro’s debut outing Coming Home—which he spent ideating throughout the start of the year—is slotted for arrival on October 1, with its first of 11 album constituents dispersing alongside the project’s public disclosure.“Presence” was an ID that earned everyone’s full attention during every single playback of the label captain’s “Summer 2021 Mixtape” tracklist, introducing itself as the second of 21 originally unnamed productions. Coated with a serene, palatable layer of polished melodic house, “Presence” firmly places a towering bar of production excellence for the remaining Coming Home entrants that will see the light of day within the next two months. Featured image: Jerro/InstagramTags: jerro, this never happened
Categories: Music
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