FuntCase delineates DPMO label launch, the ‘Corruption’ EP that’s starting it all, mental health, and more [Q&A]

FuntCase embarked on his DPMO (Don’t P*ss Me Off) label journey in 2017, and while under Circus Records, he was able to showcase an onslaught of dubstep’s filthiest tracks through a three-volume compilation series, FuntCase Presents: DPMO. After this strong start, the masked artisan is now overseeing the official launch of his DPMO label with a four-track EP, Corruption. FuntCase collaborates with some of the finest up-and-coming producers in bass music on the DPMO-installing effort, enlisting Versa, Yakz, Jkyl & Hyde, and Stoned LeveL for a monstrous upheaval. To FuntCase and his collaborators’ credit, all four tracks catapult fans into otherworldly realms of prismatic rhythms and afflicting doom.In an interview with Dancing Astronaut, FuntCase discussed the label’s journey, sourcing Corruption‘s collaborators, mental health, and what’s ahead. Find both the full interview and EP below.Can you detail your label’s three-year journey and how your latest EP, Corruption, fits into it?Corruption features four different collaborations. Was there anything unique in particular about the creative processes behind these collaborations?Corruption is a newcomer to the dubstep release ring. Thinking about the genre at large, from your perspective, how has it largely changed or even stayed the same?Let’s switch to mental health: you tweeted that you could write a “40,000 page” paper about mental health in music over the years. What would its title be?What with quarantine and the recent loss of your long-time friend and creative partner, Cookie Monsta [Tony], it seems fair to assume that the topic of mental health has been on your mind. Are there any memories with Cookie Monsta that you’d like to share?Do you have any advice for artists who may struggling with mental health or with pressures to create amid COVID-19?As 2020 winds down, what are you looking forward to in 2021?Featured image: Kingdom Rave/SnapTags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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