Elderbrook takes Tourist along for first single of 2022 ‘Howl’

After Elderbrook‘s Innerlight EP release, the DJ/producer took a quick hiatus from the revolving release grind. But as quickly as the Grammy-nominated artist disappeared, he’s back with “Howl” alongside UK chum, singer/songwriter Tourist. Within the emotional electronica offering, Elderbrook muses about his conflicted and somber sensations regarding leaving his daughter to depart on his touring schedule. Elderbrook makes the world want to dance all night, ensconced in the resounding visceral energy he radiates in each release. In terms of where to catch Elderbrook on tour, he is gracing North America alongside ODESZA, performing the Thursday of Firefly Music Festival the last week of September, and opening for Gryffin at his Los Angeles State Historic Park showing in November. Take a listen to the new single “Howl” below.  Featured image: TomorrowlandTags: , , , ,
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