While we might be beating a dead horse at this point, it’s the undeniable truth: John Dahlbäck, Christopher Lunde, and Niklas Lunde’s rank as the present-day titans of Swedish house has yet to waver, with the triad—better known by the name BROHUG— now turning in “Night Rider” as their astounding eighth descendant of 2021.Attempting to pinpoint Dancing Astronaut‘s choice presiding candidate of BROHUG’s 2021 vault would be a hopeless endeavor, especially considering that everything they’ve attached to their handle is top-dollar quality. “Night Rider” stays right on par with the trio’s premium class of bass house as they continue to set themselves up for live showings that will overflow with nothing but BROHUG originals.Featured image: Gina JoyTags: bass house, BROHOUSE, brohug
Categories: Music
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