Before you read any further, look up the word “consistent” in the dictionary. An image of none other than BROHUG is guaranteed to accompany it. Five releases in just under fourth months’ time would have already met the qualitative and quantitative threshold for most artists, but the three-manned Swedish house vessel aren’t most artists, and John Dahlbäck, Christopher Lunde, and Niklas Lunde both literally and figuratively “Burn the House” down on their sixth conquest of the year.“Burn The House” lights an auditory inferno in BROHUG’s piping bass house estate, leaning back toward their heavier side while strengthening their unremitting mission of being the only Swedish trio to keep house music properly fed week in and week out. After annexing “Burn The House” to their measureless bag of elite releases, BROHUG will soon have to decide just which of them will get live play at some point this year.Featured image: Merc PhotographyTags: bass house, brohug
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