Although Bob Moses and Kasablanca‘s first outing in tandem conceptually centers on the “Afterglow,” it sounds—and feels—a lot like a comeup. One play provides the same warm, total-body rush and, just before the breaks, the same sense of anticipation for what’s to come. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t disappoint. If it wasn’t clear that Bob Moses and Kasablanca’s sounds exist on a complementary sonic plane prior to “Afterglow,” it is now, and even before song’s end, at that. A visceral melange of vocal presence (courtesy of Bob Moses) and smoldering, textured production, the debut collaboration is primed for peak-time performance in the club setting—and that’s exactly where it’s lived prior to its official release. “A few months back, we met up with the Kasablanca guys at our studio in LA,” says Bob Moses. “We’d just finished The Silence in Between and didn’t have any plans to jump back into finishing new music so quickly. It was a very creative couple days and the end result was ‘Afterglow’. We’ve been testing it out it in our club sets over the last month to great reactions and we’re stoked to get it out into the world.”Bask in the “Afterglow” below.Featured image: Courtesy of AstralwerksTags: Bob Moses, Kasablanca
Categories: Music
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