The Truth About TELOS ‘This is not for the fans, it’s for me’, Zedd on Breakthrough New Album

Anton Zaslavski, or Zedd as the world knows him, has long been a force in electronic music. He’s created hits that defined a generation, filling clubs and festivals with electrifying beats. But with his latest album TELOS, Zedd is no longer aiming to top charts or flood playlists.

In a departure from what fans might expect, TELOS is a deeply personal journey—a new album that Zedd crafted with himself in mind.

In a series of revealing interviews, Zedd opens up about the creative process behind the new album, the emotional hurdles he faced, and why, this time, TELOS wasn’t made for the masses.

“At some point, I realized this album wasn’t for anyone but me,” he shares candidly. “I wasn’t trying to craft another commercial hit or meet anyone’s expectations. For the first time in years, I created purely for myself.”

This mindset shift, Zedd says, was transformative. Known for his meticulous production, TELOS isn’t just another collection of polished tracks—it’s an exploration of his own artistic boundaries.

It’s an album made without compromise, one that pushed him beyond the familiar and into the unknown. And though the project took years to complete, Zedd is adamant that the end result was worth the wait.

And Then Comes Clarity: The Birth of TELOS

The seeds of TELOS were sown during a period of uncertainty. Like many artists during the pandemic, Zedd found himself adrift, unsure of what he wanted to create. “I was lost at first,” he admits. “I knew how to make music, but there wasn’t any real inspiration behind it. It wasn’t until I accepted that this was going to be for me that the songs began to fall into place.”

But even then, the path wasn’t easy. Zedd recalls struggling with the pressures of creating something that would live up to his previous successes.

He had already conquered the world with Clarity and True Colors, albums that cemented his place among the biggest names in electronic music. Yet with TELOS, he wasn’t chasing fame or approval—he was chasing fulfillment.

“At some point, I had to make a decision,” Zedd says, reflecting on his internal battle. “Was I going to make an album full of songs that fit neatly into the dance music scene? Or was I going to do what felt right to me, even if it didn’t make sense to anyone else?”

This decision led to a turning point. Zedd embraced the idea that TELOS didn’t need to fit any mold. “All the songs that I had started with, I thought, ‘How am I going to make this work in dance music?’ Then I realized it doesn’t matter. This isn’t a dance music album—it’s my album.”

Breaking Free from Boundaries

For years, Zedd has been synonymous with chart-topping anthems like “Clarity,” “Stay,” and “The Middle.” His sound design skills and knack for creating euphoric, crowd-pleasing drops have made him a staple in the EDM scene.

But with TELOS, Zedd wanted more than just a collection of radio-ready tracks. He was after something timeless.

“There were so many moments when I could have made a song more ‘danceable,’ but I didn’t want that,” he explains. “This new album isn’t meant to fit into any box. It’s about creating something I’ll be proud of in 30 years.”

One of the most striking examples of this is ‘Sona’ the track that uses the unconventional 7/8 time signature—something rarely heard in EDM. Zedd admits that, in the past, he might have been tempted to rework the song into something more commercially viable. But this time, he stuck to his vision.

“I love working with different time signatures,” he says with a grin. “It’s part of what makes music interesting to me. I didn’t want to change that just to make the song easier to consume. It’s about breaking free from those self-imposed boundaries and doing what feels right.”

Zedd’s commitment to authenticity extends beyond the technical aspects of the album. In an era where algorithms and streaming platforms often dictate the direction of popular music, Zedd made a conscious effort to resist those pressures.

TELOS, Zedd insists, isn’t about fitting into a playlist or chasing virality in this new album—it’s about creating art that stands the test of time.

Zedd via Instagram

TELOS: Songs that Peek into Zedd’s Inner World

The new album unfolds like a narrative, guiding listeners on an emotional journey from the first track to the last. Each song feels connected, as though they’re speaking to one another, creating a cohesive story that reflects Zedd’s inner world. This album isn’t just a collection of songs—it’s a look into the mind of an artist embracing his memories and influences.

Every track feels personal, taking listeners through Zedd’s musical upbringing, highlighting the sounds that shaped his identity. Each beat resonates with raw emotion, blending his past influences with modern production.

Dream Brother stands out, paying homage to Jeff Buckley, but the final track, 1685, brings the nostalgia full circle. It feels as though Zedd created 1685 as a tribute to his childhood, when cassette tapes held hidden treasures. He recalls how finding a hidden track brought joy, and with 1685, he recreates that magical moment for his listeners.

Each song on TELOS is crafted with emotional depth, a reflection of Zedd’s evolution. It’s a deeply personal album that showcases his journey, blending authenticity with a bold break from convention.

A Personal Reflection of Zedd’s Musical Journey

For Zedd, TELOS represents a return to his roots in more ways than one. Born into a musical family, he began playing classical piano at a young age, before transitioning to drums in a rock and metal band. These early influences have left an indelible mark on his approach to music, and they shine through on TELOS.

“My first memory is playing piano,” Zedd recalls. “My parents were both music teachers, and they always pushed me to be better. It was always a challenge, and I think that drive stuck with me.”

This competitive spirit is evident in TELOS; the new album is a testament to Zedd and his relentless pursuit of perfection. It’s also a reflection of his growth as an artist.

From reimagining Jeff Buckley’s Dream Brother—a track Zedd calls the “pillar” of the album—to collaborating with legendary rock band Muse, TELOS is a fusion of Zedd’s past and present, a nod to the artists who have inspired him throughout his career.

“When I think about the albums that inspired me growing up, they weren’t just collections of songs,” Zedd says. “They were cohesive, they had a flow, and they left a lasting impact on me. I wanted TELOS to be that kind of album for someone else.”

The emotional weight of Dream Brother, in particular, is something Zedd carries with him. “Everything was built around Dream Brother,” he explains. “It’s the one song that stayed with me from the very beginning. Even though everything else changed, that song stayed.”

Zedd prepares for his US tour of his New Album Telos in an edmnomad Interview
Zedd via Instagram

The Ultimate Act of Rebellion: Rejecting the Algorithm

In an industry where streaming numbers and social media engagement often dictate success, Zedd’s decision to make TELOS for himself—and not for the masses—is a bold one. But it’s a decision he stands by, even if it means the album might not perform as well commercially.

“I’m not chasing an algorithm,” Zedd says with conviction. “I refuse to create music that fits into the mold of what people expect or what will get the most plays. TELOS isn’t about that. It’s about pushing the boundaries of what electronic music can be.”

For Zedd, this album is about more than just music. It’s about reclaiming his creative freedom, rejecting the idea that art should be mass-produced for easy consumption.

“I want to remind people that music isn’t just background noise,” he says. “It’s something that can move you, inspire you, challenge you.”

Zedd acknowledges that this might not be what his fans expected. But for those willing to take the journey with him, TELOS offers something deeper. It’s an album that demands attention, one that rewards listeners who are willing to engage with it on a more personal level.

“This is my personal masterpiece,” Zedd says with pride. “And if people connect with it, that’s incredible. If not, that’s okay too—because this one’s for me.”

Zedd Crafted A Timeless Piece of Art Purified in the form of Telos

As Zedd looks to the future, he’s confident that TELOS will stand the test of time.

It’s an album born out of reflection, introspection, and a desire to create something that transcends trends and commercial pressures. For Zedd, TELOS isn’t just another album—it’s a statement, a work of art that reflects his journey as an artist and a human being.

“This album is going to be with me for the rest of my life,” Zedd says. “And I hope that one day, someone will look back and say,TELOS is what made me want to create music.’ That’s the legacy I want to leave behind.”

In a world where music is often consumed quickly and forgotten just as fast, TELOS is a reminder that true artistry takes time—and that sometimes, the most powerful music is the kind made for the artist, not the audience.

With TELOS, Zedd proves that he’s not just a producer chasing hits—he’s an artist pushing boundaries, breaking molds, and creating something truly timeless.

Listen to Telos now, follow Zedd on his journey, and see him perform live as he brings the album on tour in the US.

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