“Everybody Else” is a heady cocktail of Kastello’s production and mixing capacities and Elle Vee’s singing-songwriting acumen. The rousing dubstep number takes a markedly more vocal-centric approach to the genre. Unlike other dubstep outings on which bass-heavy breakdowns steal the show, overpowering the topline, on “Everybody Else,” Elle Vee’s vocals and the forceful breaks work in a complementary, interdependent fashion. Their synergy comes from their balance on the Rude Service release, which positions the ICON Collective graduate alongside Elle Vee for the very first time. Kastello’s production dovetails with Vee’s piercing, melancholy vocal so naturally that it’d be hard to imagine what another iteration would sound like, though these were the conditions under which Kastello and Vee came together for “Everybody Else.”“This topline has a bit of a back story to it,” says Kastello. “It was actually already picked up by another much more established artist in the industry, but his version did not fit the version Elle snd her team had for the song, so they asked me to step in and give it a shot myself. When I sent my version back to Elle’s team, I instantly got a phone call back letting me know I was placed on the song and that they really enjoyed what I came up with!”“Everybody Else” follows Elle Vee’s September single with Bear Grillz, “Someone Else.”Tags: dubstep, elle vee, Kastello, rude service
Categories: Music
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