More than two years had passed since Third Party‘s name last appeared on everyone’s release radar, but that has officially changed. The duo explained in an Instagram question-and-answer session that after releasing TOGETHER—their sophomore album—in 2019 and also with the pandemic striking, they wanted to take a step back and hone in on the direction that they wanted the project to move in going forward. And that “new journey”—as they self-described it—has officially begun, with Third Party officially shattering their two-year release intermission with “Joy.”“Joy” reintroduces Third Party with a more matured state of the progressive house sound that they’d gracefully refined throughout the past decade, picking up right where they left off in 2022 when it comes to their crisp, blue-chip production. Rigged with a soulful vocal from Kathy Brown and a synth-doused progression, Third Party’s fittingly named latest is an undeniably auspicious starting point to their summer ahead that’s already guaranteed to include more new music as well as a mainstage slot during Tomorrowland‘s second weekend.Featured image: Anthony MooneyTags: third party
Categories: Music
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